Ф phi

This installation is the first in a series of public works focusing on regenerating existing ecosystems that are have been, or are, in distress. This particular form is stuffed with a compost material high in nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and iron. Internal highways connect the spiral discs, allowing for micronutrients to move through the installation into the very depleted urban soil. Remediation through temporal and/or permanent artworks is the intent.


Mir2 is a multimedia installation and performance team that used the international space station as a model for collaborative projects. Our team won the Bessie Award for Performance Installation and New Media for the first project we created at Smack Mellon Studios, Brooklyn, New York. Reviews included The New York Times and Art Forum. Lisa was responsible for creating aspects of the installations that are made of sewn textiles, including inflatable sculptures, the interior, and the outer “skin” of the station.

women and madness

An installation on the feminization of psychiatric/psychological thinking and practice.

Women and Madness addresses critical questions about women and mental health. Male authors writing on this subject prior to 1972 when Phyllis Chesler, psychologist and feminist, published her book, had attempted to link the definitions of pathology and health, methods used for treatment, and the influence wielded in society by those who decided who is mad and who is sane with doctor’s judgments and political power. Phyllis Chesler confronted these questions and linked them with the condition of women in patriarchal society, while addressing the most relevant issues to women and mental health: eating disorders, social acceptance of antidepressants, addictions, sexuality, postpartum depression, and more.